What Nature Has Revealed to Us


Bio-mimicry is the science of observation in its wisest form: mimicking nature. Our written history catalogs great scientists, inventors, and philosophers who invested time researching how nature does what it does with remarkable elegance.

In an age of budget cuts and belt-tightening of flagrant government funded ideas, I predict our next great generation is on the threshold of a BOOM in innovative technology. Let the pendulum of plenty slide back to frugal on its way back to innovating ideas~all in the pursuit of profit, of course. Our youth have been raised in a culture of “haves.” Innovation occurs in a culture of “have nots.” The challenge for educators and parents will be prying the gadgets from their fingertips and turning their looking glass to a view further than 10 inches from their eyes.

Every human being has an internal desire to create. If you have not lost that passion to invent, budget your time with nature to view what it has already revealed. Nature is very efficient. It is just waiting for someone to notice.~Kay

Photo thanks to https://genez.posterous.com/12-bio-inspired-plant-based-building-designs

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