Posts Tagged ‘research’

Are You Still In The Pursuit of Science?

Are You Still In The Pursuit of Science?

Did your science or math professor scare the curiosity right out of you? Girls and boys alike are curious by nature. Changing the social norm of hands-on for boys and dress up for girls means equal opportunities for all students to explore the world around us.

A colleague and I are building a new STEM club at our math, science, technology middle school magnet in Central Florida. We have looked at club successes from the past and we have analyzed the decline of some clubs, as well. Bringing together what works and weeding out a long term commitment, we hope will build the science muscles of these targeted learners.
I think “science in small doses” is a good place to begin.

Mapping out a series of units based on key science learning needs for our students on campus is complete. Now we begin our pursuit of the under resourced students mentioned in the NPR interview included in this

Problem-Solving Practice, Analysis of Real World Issues Boost Performance

I see the most meaningful learning happen when the unit of discovery is structured enough to guide them towards a target topic, but flexible in that their own questions energize two things: personal interest and higher quality reflective lab reports.~Kay Borglum, MS

Cell Science in Space: Healthy Solutions for Soldiers and Astronauts

Cell Science in Space: Healthy Solutions for Soldiers and Astronauts

LabTV (NDEP) video features an experiment created at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and blasted into space aboard the Space Shuttle is helping design better ways to treat injured soldiers and keep astronauts healthier.

Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM): Teams Must Keep the F.U.N. In, Dysfunction Out

Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM): Teams Must Keep the F.U.N. In, Dysfunction Out

My F.U.N. model represents the Fundamentals of Understanding Networking in a team. Communication, popularly labeled the weakest link in a team and organization, is the energy that fuels the outcome of getting to the finish line.